Representative Andy Harris raced through the Capitol this morning, from the House side to the Senate Side, where he barged past two Capitol policemen, ran up to Senator John Kyl, R-Az, and threw his arms around the astonished Senator.
Smaller in stature than the ample Arizona politician, Harris grabbed the Senator's by the leg and shouted, "I love you! You have saved us all!"
As two police-persons ran to aide the senator, Harris, still clinging to Kyl's leg, explained,
"This man has given us our banner, our slogan for 2012, our marching orders."
Twenty minutes later, Harris, ejected from the Senate, was lying on a cot in the outer office of Senator Paul of Kentucky. Waiting for a Paul-administered sedative to take full effect, Andy Harris had time to elaborate.
"The other day, right here in the Senate, the great John Kyl said, 90% of what Planned Parenthood does is abort babies. (Source #1, below)
"Everyone knows what Kyl said is just not true. Everyone."
"But making a false statement did not faze Kyl one bit!"
"It takes a true statesman to stick to a falsehood without apology and come up with the perfect excuse, which Kyl did."
Rising on one elbow, Harris grinned and whispered, "Kyl said: 'my statements are not intended to be taken as factual.' " (Source #1, below)
"That masterstroke certainly applies to me."
"I campaigned on the pledge 'In Washington I will never vote to raise taxes.' " (Source #2 below)
"No one in their right mind would take me seriously on that. And of course I have already voted a tax increase by supporting the repeal of the 2010 health care reforms. If our bill had passed the Senate, we would be in a health care expenditure free fall right now."
"What I meant when I said no new taxes is - no new taxes for the rich - but you can't come out and say something like that."
"Here's another one. Right after I took office, I said, ". . . Government should act as a partner, not a bully." (Source #3 below).
"What I meant when I said government ought not bully people is that it's OK for government to bully people I don't like."
"That's why I voted to completely defund Planned Parenthood and also to bar the District of Columbia from spending its own money as it sees fit."
"I cant help it. I just don't like women or anyone who lives in DC."
"But now, thanks to Senator Kyl, I can explain things quick and easy." Pointing a finger heavenward, Andy Harris crooned:
"This is perfect," Harris said, as he drifted off to sleep.
"This is my new mantra. It's going on my letterhead."
SOURCE #1 John Kyl: my statements are not intended to be taken as factual
San Francisco Chronicle
April 11, 2011
Bob Egelko
[ . . . ] Speaking on the Senate floor Friday in support of his party's proposal to cut off federal funds for family planning clinics, the Arizona Republican dismissed the notion that people go to Planned Parenthood for blood-pressure testing or other everyday medical services. "If you want an abortion, you go to Planned Parenthood, and that's well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does," he said.
[ . . . ] Planned Parenthood's records show that only 3 percent of its funds are spent on abortions, compared to 35 percent each on contraception and sexually transmitted disease screening and treatment.
[ . . . ] CNN pointed out the statistics to Kyl's office, which released this statement: "His remark was not intended to be a factual statement
[ . . . ] I've called Kyl's office a number of times since Monday and gotten no response, which is too bad, because I wanted to ask how we could tell when one of his statements wasn't intended to be factual.
[ . . . ]
Read more:
Source #2 Andy Harris: In Washington I will never vote to raise taxes
Source #3 Andy Harris: Government should act as a partner, not a bully,0,2063832.story
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