Sitting cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by tots, their congressman, to the confusion of his diminutive listeners, read excerpts from Pope's "The Rape of the Lock"
The Rape of the Lock
For Life predestin'd to the Gnomes Embrace.
These swell their Prospects and exalt their Pride,
When Offers are disdain'd, and Love deny'd.
Teach Infants Cheeks a bidden Blush to know,
And little Hearts to flutter at a Beau.
. . .
BUT anxious Cares the pensive Nymph opprest,
And secret Passions labour'd in her Breast.
Not youthful Kings in Battel seiz'd alive,
Not scornful Virgins who their Charms survive,
. . .
E'er felt such Rage, Resentment and Despair,
As Thou, sad Virgin! for thy ravish'd Hair.
After the reading, Harris added,
"You see kids, rape is not all that bad. Here it is right in the title of a sort'a famous poem."
"There are lots of things worse than being raped . . . like being a 'scornful virgin' or getting a hair cut."
"I am headed back to Washington to support the House Judiciary Committee, which has just issued a report about H.R 3 - our No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.
"We passed that bill kids, and it re-defines 'rape' which is, after all, just a rough kind of conception, God's will, in other words."
Now, there was such a furor when I voted to redefine rape, we had to take the literal language out of the bill that says forcible rape is OK."
"So, the bill we passed, kids, does not actually say that it is OK to rape a girl or a woman, but the Judiciary Committee report says so."
"The Report will be a big help if some lame-o judge thinks rape is a bad thing."
"Now, thanks to the Judiciary Committee Report, a lawyer can go right into court, kiddies, and show a meddlesome judge what we like to call legislative intent."
The intent of our bill is, like the Report says, "not allow the Federal Government to subsidize abortions in cases of statutory rape."
"Clever, no?"
"We removed the forcible-rape-is-OK language from the bill we voted on but are using the committee report to say that the bill does not permit Medicaid funds to be used for abortions in cases of statutory rape."
"Here's another quickie for you, children, which is about a little child, just like you."
"Once upon a time in Florida, a man was sent to prison for life after sexually abusing a little nine-year-old girl for two years."
"She did not get pregnant, kids, but you know what? If she had, that would have been just fine with me."
"In fact, I insist that the law of the land says that rape in this case is OK. So, if that little bitty girl had been poor and had gotten pregnant for being a "scornful virgin" she would not have been able to get an abortion paid for by Medicaid."
"So, kiddies, no matter how young you are, we have our eye on you, you little mommies, you!"
"Gotta go."
They're Forcing "Forcible" Rape On Us Again | National Women's Law Center
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