(Dissociated Press) Representative Andy Harris trapped a D/Press reporter in a Capitol Hill elevator to declare his chagrin for his vote the other day to completely defund Planned Parenthood.
"I'm a gas passer, you know, and I was passing gas just before the vote," Rep. Harris said, "I guess I got a little disoriented.
"Anyway, I regret that vote.
"We ought not vote on anything without hearing from the parties most effected, which in this case, are PP staff and women who receive a range of medical services at PP offices around the country.
"Giving everyone a chance to be heard is a huge deal with me. Really, really huge.
"This is why I voted to block a bunch of new EPA regs from taking effect, until business groups in my district have a chance to meet with the EPA and discuss their concerns.
"It would be totally inconsistent for me to defund Planned Parenthood without giving them a hearing.
"If you have any idea how I can get in touch with Planned Parenthood, contact my office and we'll set something up."
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