Harris said,
"God, posturing is so much easier than actually governing. No one seems to notice - which is a break for me."
"My vote barring the EPA from monitoring air and water and coal mines . . . why did I do that and how did I get away with that? Amazing! All I gotta do is say, my constituents have to take a look at the regs . . . people eat that up like dessert. Not regulating coal mines? Are you kidding me?"
And we passed that without having to actually pass a law - just a little bitty rider to an actual bill."
"This is too sweet!"
"An' I don't even have to be consistent. All I have to do is come up with the lamest sham of a reason and the press goes . . . 'Next!' "
"I said the reason for the anti-EPA vote was that businesses back in my district need time to give input . . . "
". . . on coal mine regs! The last time there was coal in my district was about 100 million years ago, if then."
"The media hotshots don't even ask me to explain stuff . . . like, if input is such a big deal to me, why did I vote to completely defund Planned Parenthood without giving Planned Parenthood a hearing or the women they serve a hearing?"
Well, the truth is . . . poor women don't get a hearing! Not from me. Not when I was in the Maryland senate and certainly not in DC!"
"I am not here to give a hearing to entitlement types. Not yesterday, not today, not ever. . ."
. . . not ever!"
. . .
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